Drive more traffic with content strategy

Drive more traffic with content strategy

Integrate your demand generation. Digital and offline, sales, marketing, inbound, outbound. Align behind a common goal for maximum impact. When everything is integrated in a content strategy that is published and shared throughout your organisation you can make...
Reduce Bounce Rate with great content

Reduce Bounce Rate with great content

If you want to keep your customers on your web pages, make sure what they’re reading matches their expectations. Sounds obvious but it doesn’t always follow, and this can be a huge turn off and lead to high bounce rates.   Be authentic There’s nothing more annoying...
Increase conversion through customer stories

Increase conversion through customer stories

Getting your target audience to tell their story is marketing gold, your customer is literally selling your solution for you. And of course, the reader relates to them straight away! Their stories are compelling and they provide authentic firsthand evidence of your...
Six steps to nailing your content strategy – Part two

Six steps to nailing your content strategy – Part two

As we said last time, if you don’t have a fully documented and published content strategy you’re not alone. Incredibly, only a third of businesses do. The rest either don’t have a strategy at all, or at best have only roughly outlined plans that aren’t known to the...
Six steps to nailing your content strategy – Part one

Six steps to nailing your content strategy – Part one

If you don’t have a fully documented and published content strategy you’re not alone, incredibly only a third of businesses do. The rest either don’t have a strategy at all or at best have only roughly outlined plans that aren’t known to the wider organisation. When...
Uncovering your customer’s story

Uncovering your customer’s story

Story telling is an art, whatever form it takes, spoken, written or enacted. If done right, uncovering your customer’s story will resonate with the reader and effectively communicate.  The term case study can sound dry, dull and boring, I’m sure this is...